How To Increase Self-Love in Kids

how to increase self-love in kids

Learn how to increase self-love in kids February is all about love and valentines. There are parties, valentine exchanges, and heart-shaped boxes of candy. The focus is often on ways kids can be kind to others. They may be encouraged to make and give valentine cards, to remember friends and loved ones, and to share appreciation […]

Are Kids Affected by the News?

Are kids affected by the news, cartoon globe on green background with white clouds

Learn about how kids can be impacted by the news Whether you open up a social media app, turn on the TV, or flip through the newspaper, there’s no denying the fact that the world is in a high state of stress. Adults are stressed, and kids know it. Children have always been in-tune to […]

Sleep Loss in Kids (and How to Prevent it)

sleep loss in kids

Explore the effects of sleep loss in kids Most of us know that sleep is essential to children’s health. That’s pretty common knowledge, but a recent study found that even 39 minutes of less sleep per night can negatively affect kids.  The importance of sleep for kids A research study recently published in the Journal of […]

What is Micro Meditation and Why Should Kids Practice It?

What is micro meditation

Explore micro meditation for kids According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 15% of youth globally experience a mental health disorder before they are 19 years old. Of this percentage, depression and anxiety are two of the leading causes that account for this global occurrence. Psychological well-being and socio-emotional learning can act as protective […]

Using Scent in Meditation

Using Scent in meditation

Discover the benefits behind using scent in meditation Have you ever walked into a bakery and had the sweet smells remind you of baking cookies in your grandma’s kitchen? Or, when applying suntan lotion been instantly taken back to a beach vacation? One squeeze of sunscreen puts you on the beach hearing the roar of […]

Using Meditation To Cope With Holiday Stress

Using Meditation To Cope With Holiday Stress

A loving-kindness meditation is the practice of sending love to yourself, your loved ones, others, and all creatures on the earth. It’s about opening your heart to this unconditional love, connecting with it, and…

3 Important Lessons a Quarterback Can Teach Kids About Meditation

Cartoon goalpost representing lessons a quarterback can teach kids about Meditation

When you think about football, European or American, you probably don’t think about meditation. But because of J.J. McCarthy, the star quarterback of Michigan, you definitely should. In postgame interviews, articles, and podcasts, McCarthy often shares how his meditation practice helps him on and off the field. He credits meditation with:

Mindful Ways to Ease Separation Anxiety in Kids

ease separation anxiety in kids

Explore mindful ways to ease separation anxiety in kids Separation anxiety affects all of us at every age and stage: Babies and toddlers, who are fearful of anyone but their primary caregivers. Preschoolers and kindergartners, attending school for the first time. School-aged kids learning to navigate sleep-overs and summer camp. College students, leaving home for […]

Why Meditating with a Teddy Bear Calms Kids

Brown cartoon teddy bear on purple background representing why meditating with a teddy bear calms kids and adults.

Learn the benefits behind meditating with a teddy bear Looking for the perfect meditation companion for you and your little one? More than beloved toys, meditating with a teddy bear is great mindful practices. Teddy bears soothe young and old with their gentle, calming presence. Thinking about your favorite teddy, or famous bears like Winnie the Pooh, Paddington, […]