Meditation for kids with Down syndrome: 11 simple tips

meditation for kids with down syndrome

Learn about meditation for kids with Down syndrome What is Down syndrome?  Down syndrome is the name for a genetic condition in which a child is born with an extra chromosome 21.   This means that they have an extra chromosome, 47 in total, instead of 46. The extra chromosome 21 can impact the way […]

How Focused Meditation Can Help Kids Concentrate

How focused meditation helps kids concentrate

Explore how focused meditation helps kids concentrate The rise of apps, social media, on-demand streaming, video games, and bite sized-content as a whole has led children (and adults) to rapidly consuming content faster than ever before and prompting discussions about focus and attention, especially in children. While not always adverse in nature, these constant distractions […]

Meditation for kids with ADHD: 11 tips to jumpstart their practice

meditation for kids with ADHD

Learn about meditation for kids with ADHD You’re probably familiar with some of the symptoms kids with ADHD experience, like being constantly on the go or having trouble concentrating in class. These symptoms are why many people assume that kids with attentional deficits can’t, or won’t, practice meditation- and it couldn’t be further from the […]

How to Relieve Anxiety in Kids. And, 4 easy meditations to try.

how to relieve anxiety in kids

Learn how to relieve anxiety in kids Whether you’re big, or little, anxiety is something most of us deal with from time to time. But for kids, anxiety can often turn into a never ending cycle of fear that can be difficult to break. Fears of monsters under the bed can turn into worries about […]

How to Help Back to School Anxiety. Plus, 5 meditations to help

how to help back to school anxiety

Learn how to help back to school anxiety It’s that time of year: when lazy summer days turn into what is often a frenzied back to school craze. Some kids and parents look forward to this new chapter. After all, it is an exciting time. But for many, back to school is a stressful time […]

Can Kids Meditate? Plus 7 easy meditations to try

can kids meditate

Learn how meditation can help kids with transition Like most adults, meditation probably isn’t something you learned when you were a kid, but rather a practice you learned as you got older. Meditation at any age is beneficial, but think back to your childhood: how could meditation have helped you better navigate your youth? Would […]

How to Help Kids with Transition

how to help kids with transitions

Learn how meditation can help kids with transition Transitions can be tough for little ones to navigate, especially during times when routines are more relaxed than normal, like during weekends or seasonal breaks. Transitions can cause a host of negative emotions, like meltdowns and anxiety. Every child is different, but meditation is a simple practice […]

The Impact of Meditation on Children’s Mental Health

the benefits of meditation on children's mental health

Learn how meditation can improve mental health A recent CNN article stated that due to the expiration of pandemic relief funding, school districts in America will soon begin widespread layoffs of teachers, support staff, after-school care, tutors, and mental health service providers.  In Denver, Colorado, loss of this funding threatens the continuance of a pilot […]

What is Moving Meditation? Plus, how kids can easily practice

What is moving meditation

Explore moving meditation Balancing work, family life, and everyday stressors is more of a challenge than ever. Meditation is a great practice to help mitigate the increasingly busy world. But for so many, the thought of sitting quietly for a set period of time isn’t appealing or realistic. Moving meditation is a type of meditation […]

What is World Meditation Day? And, how to make it meaningful for kids

What is world meditation day

Learn about World Meditation Day It seems most of us are overworked, overwhelmed and stressed out. In today’s hustle culture of trying to do more, be more, and have it all, we find ourselves sacrificing the most important things in our lives: time with our children, family and friends, and often our calm, health, peace, […]