7 Ways to Slay the Sunday Scaries

Cartoon mood and clouds representing 7 ways to slay the Sunday scaries

Explore ways to help kids combat the Sunday scaries What are the “Sunday scaries”? The Sunday Scaries are feelings like anxiety, dread, or unease related to the week ahead. Transitioning from the more relaxed and fun weekend routine to the more structured and hectic weekday routine can be hard. Anxious feelings often begin on Sunday […]

Does Meditation Help Meltdown Kids? Yes!

Pink heart in cartoon word bubble representing does meditation help meltdown kids

Learn how meditation can improve meltdowns We’ve all been there. In a grocery store, at the mall, or even in our littles one’s room at bedtime, when it happens…a massive meltdown.  It may be a tantrum when your little one hasn’t gotten their own way:  a piece of candy, staying up later, an extra episode of their favorite […]

Back to School Anxiety: 8 Easy Ways Meditation Can Help

Back to school anxiety, back to school meditation.

Learn how meditation can help with back to school anxiety Going back to school season is filled with changes, transitions, and a lot of emotions. Some are positive, like anticipation and excitement. Others are more difficult, like fear, anxiety, and sadness. For some children, back to school anxiety starts when the school bus rolls around the corner. For […]

6 Unexpected Ways Meditation Benefits Kids

Meditation for kids, kids meditation

It’s common knowledge that meditation offers research proven benefits like increasing focus, reducing anxiety, improving sleep, greater emotional regulation, and many more. However, there are several unexpected ways that meditation benefits kids. Explore lesser-known ways meditation benefits kids Start your plan 1. Meditation benefits kids by creating quiet space Think about that for a moment. […]

Why Guided Story Meditation is Perfect for Kids

kids guided story meditations

Learn about guided story meditation and its benefits Have you ever noticed how children become happy when it is time to listen to a story? They will most often drop everything they are doing and become calm, quiet and focused, hanging on to every word. Like a magic portal, stories guide children into different times […]

5 Easy Tips for Teaching Kids to Meditate

teaching kids to meditate

Explore tips for teaching kids to meditate In a world of near constant stimulation and mental health challenges on the rise in youth demographics, kids need meditation now more than ever. Most people think meditation sounds like a great idea, for adults and kids, and often say that they wish they, or their children meditated. […]

Why Kids Might Not Like Meditating (and how to help)

Why kids might not like meditating (and how to help)

Explore common issues that can cause kids to not enjoy meditation Rest assured: the reason why kids might not like meditating isn’t because of meditation itself, but another factor is influencing their dislike of the practice. Once this outside factor is identified, you can work to eliminate it so your child can truly love their time […]

How to Create a Soothing Meditation Space

Soothing meditation space

Learn how to create an at-home meditation space for kids One of the most beautiful things about meditation is its ability to be practiced anywhere. Wherever you go, meditation is just one breath away. Internet searches of meditation often show meditators on a mountain top, sandy beach, or on a dock leading to a tranquil […]

How To Build A Daily Mindfulness Routine For Kids

Mindfulness routine for kids

Learn how to create a mindfulness routine for kids One of the biggest reasons people don’t meditate, or teach meditation to children, is because they think they don’t have time for it. There is such a misconception that mediation requires at least an hour of time, preferably spent on a secluded beach or mountaintop. Fortunately […]

How to Use Affirmations With Kids

How to use affirmations with kids

Learn how to use affirmations with kids Young children’s minds develop along with their confidence and sense of self. One of the best ways to help kids gain self-confidence and a positive sense of self is through the use of affirmations.  What are affirmations? Affirmations are positive words and phrases that nurture emotional wellbeing and […]