How to Create a Soothing Meditation Space

Soothing meditation space

Learn how to create an at-home meditation space for kids

One of the most beautiful things about meditation is its ability to be practiced anywhere. Wherever you go, meditation is just one breath away. Internet searches of meditation often show meditators on a mountain top, sandy beach, or on a dock leading to a tranquil lake. But what about practicing meditation when you’re at home?

Meditating at home

Oftentimes kids (and even adults) prefer to meditate at home because of the familiarity of the space, especially when they’re new at meditation. But with this familiarity comes a seemingly endless stream of distractions around you at all times. For adults, maybe the laundry needs to be folded, or your bedroom also doubles as your office and thoughts of work linger about as you try to settle into meditation. For kids, the opportunity to play with toys or engage with others can often mean they aren’t focused when it comes time to meditate.

Creating a soothing meditation space is one answer to the universal challenge of truly being present during meditation. A calming space set aside for meditation doesn’t need to be large or filled with solid white, like images on Google would lead you to believe. This space can be the corner of the room, or a small spot in a backyard or garden. It can be any place that your child finds peaceful.

If your child prefers to meditate in their room, find a small pocket of their room to serve as their meditation place. Even a small corner of a room can help differentiate the meditation space with the rest of the room. Creating such a spot will allow your child to associate that space with meditation and help them easily slip into a feeling of calm whenever they enter that space.

What to include

  • Soft pillows
  • Warm blankets
  • A fabric canopy
  • Favorite stuffed animals
  • Soft lighting or a small lamp
  • Sound machine or music speaker
  • A calming fragrance or essential oil

Make it personal

You are the best judge of what is age appropriate and developmentally safe for your child’s meditation haven. Add anything else your child finds comforting and inspiring, like a soothing picture on the wall. Involving your child in the creation of their meditation space is a great way to get them involved and excited about meditation. Remember that meditation truly can be practiced wherever you go and the addition of a meditation space will only enhance this transformational practice.

Need some meditation inspiration? Wee Meditate has a meditation library developed specifically to teach children the foundations of meditation in an accessible and engaging storybook world.

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