What is habit stacking? Plus, 6 easy habits kids can try

what is habit stacking

Explore habit stacking for kids

Chances are, you’ve heard that a healthy routine is good for both mental and physical health. It makes sense too, as your brain loves to reliably know what to anticipate throughout the day. Habits and routine help to prevent anxiety and promote brain development, especially in children.

Kids also have the ability to learn new habits and stick to routines easier than adults because of their increased amount of neuroplasticity. Still, getting kids to adopt new habits can be easier said than done. Habit stacking, a concept named by author James Clear, might just be the answer.

What is habit stacking?

Habit stacking is a technique where you pair habits that are already formed with a new one. The main premise behind habit stacking is habit retention, or the likelihood that you’ll stick to the habit over the long term. Habit stacking utilizes these already existing brain connections to make new habits easier to implement.

Named by Baldwin, the technique has actually existed for centuries and can be a great way to introduce new habits to existing routines. While habit stacking can certainly make adopting new practices easier, there’s no effortless way to start doing something new.

The formula to habit stacking is simple: after/before [current habit], I will [new habit]. This formula makes it easy for your brain to understand what this new habit is and when it will take place.

Benefits of habit stacking for kids

The main benefit of habit stacking is its ability to make forming new habits easier- meaning the benefits of habit stacking are closely related to the benefits of the habit being stacked. For example, you may want your child to begin meditating for three minutes every night via habit stacking, the benefits your child receives will be the benefits of meditation. They can do this, via habit stacking, by meditating before/after their habit of reading, or being read a bedtime story.

Habit stacking will look different for every child and provide benefits in different ways. For some kids habit stacking might help them feel more in control of their day and as a result reduce anxiety as part of their self-care routine. For other kids, habit stacking might help them add more time for activities they enjoy doing. It’s a highly individualized practice and what works for one child may not work for another.

Can kids habit stack?

Kids can habit stack the same way adults do, by pairing a new habit with an existing one. To help kids adjust to new habits, make sure you don’t overload them with new habits. Instead, pick one or two additions to their daily routine and introduce it slowly, maybe a few times a week to get them familiar with the new habit. Over time, you can increase the new habit and eventually it will become automatic.

One primary difference between habit stacking for adults and kids is intention. Adults often habit stack to gain more productivity or boost their physical wellness. For kids, habit stacking should be more about teaching healthy habits that bring them joy rather than getting more “stuff” done.

It’s also important to tell kids why they’re adding this new habit to their routine. In the case of meditation for kids, explain what meditation is and how it will help them feel better. Oftentimes a simple explanation can make kids feel more in control and more open to trying new things. With any habit, positive reinforcement helps kids associate the habit with a pleasant outcome, making it more likely they will want to continue practicing this new addition to their routine.

How to habit stack meditation

Meditation is a practice that is best formed over time, making it a “stackable” habit. Because meditation is a calming practice that is designed to reduce anxiety, promote well-being, and generally be a soothing part of your child’s day, it’s important to stack meditation during appropriate times.

Habit stacking meditation can be done in two simple steps: identify the type of meditation practice your child would like to practice and then identify existing habits that would pair well with the new meditation practice.

For example, you might want your child to habit stack positive affirmations after your child brushes their teeth in the morning. Their habit stacking phrase might look like “when I’m done brushing my teeth, I will say three affirmations.” Affirmations work particularly well after teeth brushing, because kids can look in the mirror and say the words to themselves, which is quite powerful and leads to increased outcomes. Additionally,  affirmations, while a meditative practice, can be said in a short amount of time and are a great way to start the day, making teeth brushing a great habit stacking pair. 

Or, if your child wants to start meditating before they go to bed, their habit stacking phrase might be “after I get into bed I listen to a guided story meditation”. It’s all about what works for them. And remember, meditation isn’t something to rush through or “check the box” with, so make sure you’re stacking meditation with a habit that’s not stressful and that is during a calm part of your child’s routine.

6 Kid-friendly habit stacking examples

There are so many ways kids can habit stack and it’s really about what’s important to them and what will make them feel their best. Some examples are:

  1. Saying affirmations after brushing teeth
  2. Drinking a glass of water after eating dinner
  3. Listening to a guided story meditation after getting into bed
  4. Taking slow deep breaths before starting homework
  5. Mindful coloring after completing homework
  6. Stretching before eating a bedtime snack

Habit stacking can help your child adopt new habits more easily and learn new skills, like meditation, in tandem with habits they already have. Meditation and mindfulness are both “stackable” practices that in time, when paired with existing habits, can help kids reduce anxiety, boost emotional regulation, and support overall well-being.

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