What is Micro Meditation and Why Should Kids Practice It?

What is micro meditation

Explore micro meditation for kids

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 15% of youth globally experience a mental health disorder before they are 19 years old.

Of this percentage, depression and anxiety are two of the leading causes that account for this global occurrence. Psychological well-being and socio-emotional learning can act as protective factors, shielding youth from developing chronic mental health disorders. 

Mindfulness has recently made its way onto the protective factors list. According to a 2020 study, mindfulness, a tenant of meditation, can act as a protective barrier to psychological distress. 

Meditation can reduce anxiety, improve depression, diminish a negative bias, and more. But for so many children, meditating for 30 minutes a day isn’t realistic.

This is where micro meditation comes into play

What is micro meditation?

Very simply, micro meditation is a form of meditation that is done in small, 2 to 10 minute increments, throughout the day, resulting in repetition. Micro meditation can be any form of meditation, like walking, mantra, loving-kindness, or body scan meditation. 

The key principle is that, unlike some traditional methods of meditation, this type of meditation is done in short bursts.

The benefits of micro meditation

Repetition, or frequency, is one of the strongest indicators of habit formation and is one reason why micro meditation is so effective. In simple terms, the more you do something, the more likely you are to make it part of your daily routine. 

In this case, meditation practiced on a consistent basis allows you to experience the full range of meditation benefits.

And researchers are finding that shorter bursts of meditation may be just as beneficial as longer meditative practices. One study found that 10 minutes of meditation was just as beneficial as a 20 minute practice. In the same study, just 5 minutes of meditation was enough to improve heart rate and reduce negative affect.

These results suggest that shorter forms of meditation can still result in the full range of benefits, such as:

  • Decreased anxiety
  • Higher quality of sleep
  • Less negative affect
  • Increased focus
  • Stronger immunity

Meditation is increasingly being found to benefit children the same way it benefits adults and can act as a protective factor against children developing chronic mental health disorders.

Short bursts of meditation on a daily basis are a great way to get children comfortable with meditation and experiencing the myriad of benefits.

Why is micro meditation needed?

With stress, mental health challenges, substance abuse, and isolation at decade-high rates post covid, meditation is a practice that everyone can benefit from. It’s a low cost practice that has virtually no barriers to entry, making it both deeply beneficial and globally accessible. With busier schedules and less access to mental health resources, micro meditation is a tool that can be widely practiced and doesn’t require specialty knowledge to practice.
All forms of meditation are beneficial to those who practice, but micro meditation allows people to benefit without dedicating large amounts of time to the practice. It also serves as a point of entry for people who otherwise wouldn’t meditate on a daily basis. The principals of micro (or mini) meditation are more flexible than other types of meditation, making it more appealing to beginners and those who have busy schedules.

Can kids practice it?

Kids can absolutely practice, and benefit from, micro meditation. Like any other form of meditation practiced by children, it should be kid-friendly and engaging. One of the strengths of micro meditation is that it is easily adaptable and any form of meditation can be practiced. This is especially beneficial for kids, who enjoy using their imagination in meditation.

For younger kids, shorter meditations may be easiest to practice while listening to an audio and inviting them to use their imagination. For example, a 5 minute practice where children imagine their breath blowing clouds across the sky, like our mini meditation Pictures in the Sky, blends their natural inclination for imagination, while also reaping the benefits of micro meditation.

Short guided meditation stories are also a great way for young kids to practice this style of meditation.

Micro meditation made easy

Wee Mediate has a collection of mini meditations designed to help young kids experience the benefits of meditation in a short amount of time. Mini meditations like Balloon Breaths* or Warm Cup* teach kids how to use their breath to calm big emotions in a short amount of time. 

*Only available with a Wee Meditate subscription. Sign up or log in to access our full meditation library.